Associated Persons Disclosures
Applies to transactions with associated NZ Residents and all Non Associated Residents.
1. Interest
Interest expenses incurred by the company in respect of any loan made to the company by the Associated persons.
2. Loans
Amounts paid by the company to the associated persons in the nature of loan or other advances
3. Services
Expenses incurred by the company for all the services provided.
4. Rents and leases
Expenses incurred by the company to the associated persons in respect of rentals or leases of land or other assets.
5. Intangibles
Expenses incurred by the company to the associated person for acquiring or using intangible properties.
6. Reconciliations
A Reconciliation of movements in shareholders equity and current accounts.

Tips  To Start Up A Business
You are ready to start up a business once you start talking about business ideas with your friends and family members.
Once you are ready than you will need to action your ideas.
Choose a Business Name.
Choose a Business Logo.
Decide if its going to be a registered company or not.
Get your business IRD Number.
Choose a Accountant.
Discuss your business plan with your Accountant.
Start your business.

Looking for Work - life Balances
As a business owner your can prioritise your work.
Delegate the duties at work.
Set a time to start your work and set a time to finish your day.
Take time to have dinner with your family every day.
Spend quality time with your family.
Take some time out for your self.
Love Yourself.
Laugh every opportunity you get.
Smile without a reason.
Let things go.
Appreciate life.

MAF - Popular Saying
If you don't fall you wouldn't know how to stand up.
If you get tired rest BUT don't retire.
Failing is a journey for being Successful.

Buying and Selling of Residential Property
As  a general rule, if you are purchasing a property with the intention of selling it, you will need to check your tax implications around it and be aware of any tax you might need to pay on the taxable profit.
Additional Blog Tips

Commercial Property - Renting it out : Buying and Selling of the Property
With Commercial Property GST and Income Tax needs to be managed along with income and expenses deductions. Examples of Commercial Properties :
Hotels, restaurants, and cafes
Retail stores
Shopping malls, etc
Office Buildings
Serviced buildings
Medical centres
Large Apartment Buildings
The New Taxation rule
The Government passed the taxation tax rate bill on 31/12/2020. Main measures it contains includes:
Introducing a new top personal income tax rate of 39%.
Introduced increase disclosure requirements for trusts.
Increasing the minimum Family Tax Credits threshold for the 2020 - 2021 tax year.
Clarifying the ability for Inland Revenue to require information for the purpose of providing quality advice.
Blog tips Continued

Day to day Tips for Running the Business
Talk to people.
If need be get financial advice on managing your money.
Understand what you are doing and know why.
Target right customers.
Be up to date with market research.

Tips to Grow Your business
Understand your Customers / Community what they want and work accordingly around it.
Understand the price structure of your competitors.
Your products should be readily available.
Customers demands should be met on time.
Providing best customer service.

Top Questions to ask as to why your business is making a loss
What can be done differently to make a change?
Is your price right?
What is your competition?